How can I strengthen the self-confidence of others?

How can I strengthen the self-confidence of others?

My last blog was about how to strengthen your own self-confidence. When we strengthen our own, it has a ripple effect on others as well. We trust ourselves, are mentally free and make decisions with clarity. We are authentic and binding at the same time. This creates compassion and motivates not only ourselves but also others. If we are parents or superiors, in both cases we are leading a system, a team of people, which is dependent on our interaction with them. In the case of children even dependent, because they do not have the freedom, like an employee, to simply leave.

Let us dive into the four pillars of self-consciousness and how we can use them this time to strengthen the self-consciousness of other people in our environment.

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How do you recognize the right time to set a boundary?

How do you recognize the right time to set a boundary?

For my last blog I got the question, how do you feel your boundaries and how do you recognise the right time to set a boundary? This is a great question, to answer it we have to start somewhere else.

Why is it so important to go after what is good for me - life is not a wish concert after all?

The good news, but that's it, because there are many areas in which we have control to make a difference, it's just a question of what is stopping us? Let's start with the smallest unit that does us good - our 5 senses. Let's start thinking about writing down what is good for you in each of the 5 senses? What do I like to smell, what do I like to see and hear, what do I like to taste and feel? Once the list is complete, we consciously incorporate it into our daily routine - and there is always time for that. You can create real rituals, what does my morning look like, what do I do to feel good after my morning routine? Exactly what does my evening look like, what do I do to slowly descend and switch off? Can I sleep well afterwards? When you start this, it becomes clear how the body wants to have more of these positive messenger substances that are emitted by the pleasant feeling, because these energy boosters boost inner motivation and productivity. The more we listen to our body what is good for me, the more we will understand what is not good for me. This means that setting a limit to the feeling becomes clearer.

From which energy sources does our body draw?

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